Speakin' Deacons 1 Week Public Speaking Camp
DATES: JUNE 19-JuNE 23, 2017
DROP OFF: 8 AM-8:30 AM
PICK-UP: 5-5:30 PM
Speaking is a skill - practice it - learn it - succeed!
We invite you to join us for a week of speaking education through action. Students will spend each day researching, thinking, asking, and most importantly speaking. This is not the place where lectures take hours and students are expected to simply take notes all day. Our sessions are ACTION PACKED. Instruction will be administered by college professors with teaching awards and multiple break-out groups. Our hope is to inspire passionate students to be better speakers, leaders, and people when they depart. Each student will prepare a keynote presentation to be delivered to an audience on the Friday of the workshop demonstrating their speaking and intellect on a subject they choose.
Learn on a Wake Forest Campus with Small Groups
The students will be paired with collegiate instructors, Graduate Students and Undergraduate helpers. This will expose students to what it is like to be in small, seminar style classrooms. With frequent breaks and intense student discussion, we hope to provide students with a little glimpse of what college life can be like.
Interview Better - Persuade Better - Speak Truth to Power!
When you go to give the college interview, will you want to be confident in your speaking abilities? How about when you win the numerous awards in your future? Do you want to be able to convince your boss to give you a raise? Do you want to learn to speak truth to power?
A History of Speaking Success
Wake Forest Speaking societies have been practicing eloquence since the University was founded in 1835. Although the students learning to speak have dramatically changed over the years, our love for oration and persuasion have not. Founded on a belief of "Pro Humanitate" or good of humanity, the Department of Communication and Wake Forest Debate work to fulfill this mission by helping students become their best selves by learning to "replace weapons with words".