Q. When should we arrive and depart?

A. Arrival: Students can check in between 3 PM and 7 PM on day of arrival. If earlier arrival is necessary, we will have a common room for students to gather until 3 PM; we cannot accept students who come in on prior days.  We strongly encourage students to arrive before 7 PM so they have time to settle into the dorm before our opening events which begin at 7:30 PM.  If a later travel time is unavoidable, we can make specific arrangements to accommodate it.

Departure: Ideally, students will depart after breakfast on date of departure.  There are no workshop-related events on the last day, so the camp is officially finished that morning, other than final transportation for departing students.  If you are picking up your child, 9 AM-10:30 AM is an appropriate pick-up window.  For those that need to be picked up later, the students may stay in our squad room.

Early Departure: If a student needs to leave on Friday afternoon in order to make it to another workshop, that can be arranged.

Q. Do you offer shuttle service from the airport?

A. We will not run Workshop shuttles to and from any of the airports. Uber, Lyft, and numerous taxi services both operate out of all of the major airports and bus stations in North Carolina and can bring students to campus. The cost for an Uber/Lyft is approximately $40, a taxi is $50 from GSO. If a formal car service is desired, Wake Forest Recommends Black Tie Transportation. They can be reached at 336-758-4265.

If Flying, we strongly recommend students fly into Greensboro (GSO) about 35 minutes from campus. Charlotte (CLT) is about 1hr 45 minutes and Raleigh Durham (RDU) is approximately 2hrs and 15 minutes away.

If by train, the Greensboro station is the closest. If by bus, we recommend trying to book your ticket to Winston Salem. We can pick up anyone arriving in Winston Salem by bus.

Q. How does the evidence packet work?

A. Unlike most other policy camps, we provide the complete set of evidence to be used during the workshop before it begins.  Our goal is to make the evidence in possession of each team equal, so all debates will use the provided evidence packet.  The evidence packet will be delivered in late May or Early June.

Our basic formula for the contents of the evidence packet is several affirmatives (2 core of the topic policy affirmatves, one smaller policy affirmative and one critical affirmatve), several disads, a couple of relevant counterplans, a couple of criticisms and great case specific negative strategies along with a topicality file. We find that this provides choice for the debaters while still making the possible debates manageable so we can work on in-round debate skills.

Q. Who stays in the dorms with the students?

A. See HERE for our dorm faculty

Q. Can I request a roommate or partner?

A. Yes, you can.  Both may be entered through your application.  Both roommate and partner requests will be honored where mutual.  This means both parties must make the request. Workshop staff will confirm partnership and roommate arrangements before June 1. Contact information will be supplied so you can coordinate with your partner and roommate before arrival at the workshop.

If you don't know who you want to room or partner with, don't worry.  Most students don't, so we make partner pairings and roommate assignments for them.  We base these decisions on experience, skill level, and age in an attempt to find a fit that produces the best educational opportunities for each student. Part of the fun of debate workshop is meeting new people, and it is also an important life skill.

Q. How safe is the Wake Forest campus?

A. The Wake Forest campus is very secure.  Entrance to campus is permitted through three gates, each of which requires authorized entry after hours.  The dorms use key-card access, so only those staying in that specific dorm can gain entry at any time. The Wake Forest Police are friendly and competent, and regularly patrol the campus day and night.  For more information about campus safety provisions, you can access the WFU Police website.

During workshop events, judges, RAs, and the Workshop Director will supervise the students. Given the nature of the workshop, there will be one staff member for every four students.  Each day is divided up into debates, so if a student oversleeps or forgets where they are supposed to be, it will be noticed immediately.

Q. What will we eat during the workshop?

A. Other than breakfast and a couple special evening meals, students will eat in the Wake Forest cafeterias, which are quite good.  Students will have a swipe card that allows them access to a wide variety of healthy food choices.  The main dining hall, which Wake students affectionately refer to as “The Pit”, is included in the workshop tuition and has everything from pizza to an excellent salad bar.

We provide breakfast in the dorm.  This involves some combination of cereal, bagels, fresh fruit, yogurt, or biscuits. Students eat breakfast while listening to a 15 minute mini-lecture drawn from the previous day's debates or activities.

There are also a variety of other options on campus, including Subway, Moe’s, Chick-Fil-A, Starbucks, and several convenience stores. These are not included in the meal plan, however, and will have to be purchased by the students with their spending money.

If you have special dietary needs, please communicate those to us via e-mail once you have received your welcome packet.  Accommodations can be made through the dining hall, and we are happy to assist.

Q. What should I bring?

A. We recommend you bring the following items to Wake Forest for the workshop.  Since the dorms are designed for college students, there are outlets, internet access, and desk space, so students can bring other items if they like.

-Laptop (highly recommended, internet access provided)
-Cell Phone
-Linens (twin long size – not as rare as it sounds)
-Clothes (all casual)
-“Yard” Clothes (for Frisbee, etc.)
-Pens / Paper / Flow Pads
-Spending Money
-Evidence Packet (electronic or printed, or money to print on campus)

For those with space limitations dictated by travel, linen service is available for $40 through your website account.  This includes sheets, pillows, towels, and a blanket.  If you choose to purchase linen service, it will be waiting for you when you arrive.

Q. Will I need spending money?

A. Tuition covers room, meals, and instruction. There are a variety of places on campus where students will use spending money, from the bookstore to the Starbucks.  We encourage students to bring an appropriate amount of spending money to the workshop to cover drinks, snacks, etc. Many students bring a pre-paid debit card to use at campus facilities, but a small amount of cash will probably be useful. There is also an ATM on campus where students can withdraw cash.

Q. Are there laundry facilities?

A. Yes, there are.  Given the length of the workshop, most students do not need them, but if you are going directly to another workshop at the end of the Earliest Bird, you can use them to start the next camp with clean clothes.

Q. When are final payments due?

A. Final payments are due at the start of the workshop, unless specific arrangements have been made. Payment for application will need to be made via check.

Q. What paperwork do I need to fill out?

A. Other than the online application process, we'll need you to fill out a medical form (which will include your doctor sending your vaccination records) and a risk release form.  These will be sent out with the welcome packet beginning in late April/early May.